CSS For Web Designers Only

Donna L. Baker

CSS For Web Designers Only

Автор: Donna L. Baker
Языки: Английский
ISBN 0471788678; 2006 г.
Страниц: 278 стр.
Переплет: Мягкая обложка

От производителя

It's all about style. CSS can make your Web sites flawless

You're a designer first. So is Donna Baker. She knows your questions about CSS because she's asked them too. How do I apply a CSS rule to specific instances? What key concepts should govern font styles? How do I keep the background image from disappearing in Internet Explorer? Why can't I control which cells display hover color? By answering these and a hundred other questions, Donna gives you new power to keep the style in your sites with CSS.
* Learn how to construct and organize a style sheet that meets all your needs
* Be able to write CSS syntax and define properties and values for fonts, images, and other page elements
* Use background images to their full potential
* Customize the appearance of your pages with pseudo-elements and pseudo-styles
* Learn when to use static, elastic, and fluid layouts using CSS positioning methods
* Make lists and tables behave consistently and effectively
* Resolve the problems that make forms display incorrectly in different browsers
* Design style sheets that make your Web pages friendly to printers, handheld devices, and other media